The Luther Mahoney Shooting
(too old to reply)
2020-06-23 21:33:30 UTC
Can someone please tell me (in detail) about the Luther Mahoney
shooting? That was the one night I MISSED and it seems everything and
everyone changed after that....
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Nan in Calgary
Det Kellerman shot him after he took Det Lewis' gun. Junior Bunk shooting (Lewis, Kellerman, G, Bayliss and Pembleton all shot Jr Bunk.) happened in Fallen Heroes 2 part episode that saw Mike resign to protect Lewis and Stivers.
2020-06-23 21:38:47 UTC
Can someone please tell me (in detail) about the Luther Mahoney
shooting? That was the one night I MISSED and it seems everything and
everyone changed after that....
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Nan in Calgary
Previously on Homicide: Mikey shot Luther Mahoney. It was a clean shoot.
Stivers and Meldrick didn't stand by him. Peach-boy hounded Mikey.
Goergie Rae houdned Mikey. Mikey had his hair cut short. He became
psychotic. The series ended. Badly.
cat yronwode
Agreed! Of Course Georgia Raye's own people whacked her because of Junior Bunk snatching Tambellie 's gun form his desk.