in spite of music
(too old to reply)
2009-01-19 15:58:52 UTC
On the latest Enterprise a delcious breakfast was
fixed for the Captain and his Armory officer and they
did not eat a bite.

. I remain
afraid of going to work. FOUR DAY weekend. I had other stuff to finish
up including some reading for a report I have to do for one of the bosses
and also, mental preparation for an interviews. I've haven't written a word
yet. So, maybe I will write something tomorrow.

I keep hoping I will feel better and
it is very slow.

A friend once did participate in a March against
the proposed war in Iraq. Six thousand people were
there. Made her feel like she was doing something
worthwhile. I can't imagine how attending the inauguration festivities would
make me feel that. All I would feel is cold
okay, i can forgive Rick Roswell for not disclosing what kind of
millionaire he was. An IT millionaire. At that point all he had was
stock in a company that
he built that was probably affected by the IT bubble burstage
he must've just wanted an adoring companion, & most
anyone will stoop to buying it -- or trying to attract it with money,
prestige, whatever...
I also can't stand that Kate Mulgrew Star Trek character.
it's a horrible Kate Hepburn ripoff, isn't it? And why is it that
every time the celluloid portrays a powerful woman she has to be a total
fucking bitch? Did you see the STNG episodes where Deanna Troi was being
tested for a promotion? Why did they have to portray her as completely
baffled by the engineering & technical stuff? -- as well as challenged by
facing tough decisions like whether to sacrifice a few lives for the whole
crew? Where is star fleet academy to prepare me for the jobs I've been
for the past 3 years? I need it now!
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, January 19, 2009 10:26 AM
Subject: Re: INTERNATIONAL STUFF - Inauguration Countdown | Heather de
Lisle | New Gas Agreement | Gaza Ceasefire
M. K. ~ e-glob, Washington, DC
~ http://haplifnet.blogspot.com [US+EU Community]
- transatlantic daily -
. Huffpost Blog
Video: "Our inauguration" (Arianna | Huffington Post)
That's great! A new era of citizen responsibility and engagement is
required to cope with the challenges the United States of America are
facing. The world's most interactive museum, the Newseum, is
considered to be a perfect location for Huffpost and friends
throughout the globe to organize and celebrate the inauguration ball
in a few hours ahead.
I was watching MSNBC as I was waking and they were talking about this
This is apparently the hottest post inauguration ticket you can get
. Heather de Lisle
I saw her - apparently a USian by marriage - at yesterday's press talk
. Transatlantic Daily
. Honor
Order of Saxon Gratitude for Vladimir Putin
That's amazing.
. Huffpost Blog
Due to the audacity of hopelessness, maybe, it
appears that George Bush and Dick Cheney ...
I agree with you about Cheney, but I definitely got the impression that
was acting the way he probably has when his dad yelled at him for
or other. Though I haven't seen the movie about his life, that came out
this summer, I thought he probably has spent his life apologizing for
headstrong attitudes and misdeeds. And this moment was just a typical
in his 62 year old life that he is now accustomed to.
As you know I'm (personally) fond of George. Sure, that's an obvious
ambiguity, though.
When you say you are personally fond, that makes it seem that you have
him in person. Is that what you meant?
Speaking of aggression. I watched The Valley of Elah last night. Tommy
Jones was nominated for the Oscar as lead last year
It's a sad movie, and you probably won't want to see it but Jones did a
great job and deserved his nomination
. Anecdote
Another anecdote I remembered from my chess cousin. He went to Yale
George Bush. He belonged to one of the secret societies so was very
familiar with the young George. He said that George was drunk and
all times, and that his usual place on campus was on one of the stone
snoring loudly with arms splayed out widely unaware that the world was
passing him by. You could just imagine when he had to apologize to his
about his poor performance in school. His speech was just such an
I recall his dad had declared, a few days ago, that he's proud that
his son became US president.
well what dad wouldn't be
The kind that never admits it was wrong, the words of a youth who still
hasn't learned the lessons of personal accountability.
A few years ago, n Julia and I had a discussion about Rick Rockwell?
"Who Wants to Marry a Millionaire"
She said that even
though she'd adopted the satellite dish & bought the first seasons of
Trek NG& the Simpsons on dvd to start catching up what
she missed in the 80's, she still couldn't bear to watch anything with
commercials...except for some occasional visits to the cartoon channel.
However, I love commercials so I watch a LOT of TV>
She said her
channel-view menu only displays about 75 of the 200 or so channels she
get, & only about 15 of those have commercials (lifetime-for-women,
& boom, nick, sci-fi, discovery, TLC, & animal planet--though i seldom
those either)...still she ended up watching commercial-uninterupted movie
channels about 99% of the time. Me - the more commercials the better.
She was also getting
into Farscape, but I could never get addicted to it
So then I tell her that a friend was having a baby and we held a baby
for her. She asked for books rather than toys and clothes for the baby.
Julia complimented me on buying a book that has the following
subjects: mammals, insects, pirates
She complimented me on getting this book and for spreading science
to youths!!! mammals, insects & pirates,
The sales clerk who checked out my books. The idle one,
a male, started telling me how he loves this book. I no longer remember
it was called an I told him it is standard
baby shower fare. I told him I will be sure to buy it for him when he
a baby. And then he tells me that he watched this movie that starred
Angelina Jolie and Sean Connery where one of the adult characters was
and he asked his mother to read the book to him. I vaguely remember
this movie, but don't remember what it is. I looked it up and it's
By Heart
I told him perhaps he
should take a few hits of vodka and maybe that would get him crying good
and proper.
The other book I bought: When I lived in Roanoke, I learned of a famous
book called "Goodbye Moon" which is ADORABLE. I used to love looking at
even as an adult. The drawings are beautiful. The author is from
in fact.
My friend Julia even though she was from Roanoke had never heard of it.
said it sounds like a good book, and said she'd have to go get it for
Here' the revised version of it appropriate for 2009
. Slavic Hairdo
Yes, sure, as goes for contemporary Slavic women in Eastern
Europe. It was also a style in Germany probably until the
first half of the 2oth century, though.
She's retro cool then!
O yeah!
. New Agreement
Loading Image...
Now, as Ukraine prepares to sign an accord ending an 18-day Russian
gas embargo that disrupted energy supplies in much of Europe, the
consensus here is that instead of cleaning up the gas trade,
Yushchenko's first gas deal left this former Soviet republic more
vulnerable to bullying by Russian leaders determined to thwart its
turn to the West.
German TV news confirmed the signature of that agreement this early
. Inauguration Countdown
It's gone up to 33 today but everywhere around us, it is snowing. It
as if it might snow here but if so it hasn't arrived yet. Travel for
everyone coming to the show will be difficult. So far this is the
day and it will continue to plunge even though yesterday they thought it
would go up and be a bit warmer. No luck as of today. I will continue
watch it all on tv because I can't afford to get sick this year. It's
probably the best seat in the house. I am sitting only a scant two
away. If I were in the cold, I'd be standing a mile away maybe more
of the crowds. So I am just about as close but I will see the details
well. On the mall all the details will be shown on a jumbotron, ie a
set. I have a big tv set in my house and am almost as close! And I can
drink my hot beverage here too.
That's the best option and, of course, the most comfortable one.
It's actually snowing
I live so close to Arlington Cemetery but there is no way I could ever
there today. Obama and Biden are there right now, they played taps and
Obama laid a wreath on the tomb of the unknown soldier. I would never
seen this meaningful moment if out on the Mall.
They - the both - rode in by train (seen on German tv), just as
Lincoln did.
. Recipes
They just mentioned the inauguration recipes. Very luxe. Duck and some
other exotic fowl.
Hopefully not a bad omen! Reminding that you once wrote George is a
"lame duck".
actually if symbolic, it shows that Obama will eat the duck, i e Obama
conquers, so not a bad omen
. German Energy Sources
... find a different fuel source.
There's been a press tv-talk where a number of additional
options were considered. However, a lot of political instability
is involved as far as other sources might be favored, long term.
. Withstanding
Ah, but you never know when someone may come up with a viable fuel
that does not require piping or circuitry that requires reliance on
governments and crazy short term viewed prior KGB agents. His desire is
make as much money for the present as possible. There's no thought
the future, there's no planning. None of this would be occurring had he
any desires other than short term enrichment. It was all foreseen but
My explanation doesn't make Germany any warmer unfortunately.
Apparently we are warm and save enough to withstand him et al.
What's cooking at the CIA?
the link got deleted by accident
. Specialization
I disagree that specialization makes you a more valuable employee or
resource. This apparently widely held view is incredibly damaged and in
mind suggests why the US corporate environment is in such trouble.
bailouts. Etc
"Having a law degree from Texas Tech University School of Law put Teye
Kutasi in an "in-between position".
. Ceasefire
As it was announced, a few days ago, Israel and Hamas agreed on
ceasefire in odrder not do damage Barack Obama's inauguration
celebration tomorrow.
|| Speaking on a platform in Jerusalem accompanied by a line of
Europe's leaders, Olmert said: "We are interested in quitting the Gaza
Strip at the greatest possible speed. We don't want to stay in Gaza
and we intend to leave it as quickly as possible."
He met French President Nicolas Sarkozy, German Chancellor Angela
Merkel, the British, Italian and Spanish prime ministers Gordon Brown,
Silvio Berlusconi and Jose Luis Zapatero, and Czech premier Mirek
Topolanek, representing the European Union.||
. High Security [Obama's Inauguration]
"She was a good detective, and a good woman. A good woman in a good
one might say. She loved her country, Botswana, which is a place of
and she loved Africa, for all its trials. I am not ashamed to be called
African patriot, said Mma Ramotswe"--Alexander McCall Smith, No 1 Ladies
Detective Club
2009-01-19 16:07:53 UTC
I just finished watching Growing up Elephant


and now I am tackling Growing Up Lion

when I was buying the children's books, i'll bet that neither clerk could
define the
characteristics of a champ coonhound. that is likely
why they are selling books.

I really can't stand the Madeline book series for kids though.

Madeline's rebelliousness is the
reason that she pronounces her name incorrectly. somehow
the french always seem to cause one to pause. I wonder if the book cer is
likely still thinking about my question to him as to why Madeline
mispronounces her name.
My friend once said I remind me of the kid (billy
mumy) in the twilight zone episode entitled,
"pleasantville, usa. He effectively banished the
sales clerk to the corn field.
why, he said I had the makings of a twilight zone episode in
that bookstore. He said he could see the final scene: a
distraught clerk is near collapse, muttering to no one
in particular "le customer is always right..."
Post by marika
On the latest Enterprise a delcious breakfast was
fixed for the Captain and his Armory officer and they
did not eat a bite.
. I remain
afraid of going to work. FOUR DAY weekend. I had other stuff to finish
up including some reading for a report I have to do for one of the bosses
and also, mental preparation for an interviews. I've haven't written a
word yet. So, maybe I will write something tomorrow.
I keep hoping I will feel better and
it is very slow.
A friend once did participate in a March against
the proposed war in Iraq. Six thousand people were
there. Made her feel like she was doing something
worthwhile. I can't imagine how attending the inauguration festivities
would make me feel that. All I would feel is cold
okay, i can forgive Rick Roswell for not disclosing what kind of
millionaire he was. An IT millionaire. At that point all he had was
stock in a company that
he built that was probably affected by the IT bubble burstage
he must've just wanted an adoring companion, & most
anyone will stoop to buying it -- or trying to attract it with money,
prestige, whatever...
I also can't stand that Kate Mulgrew Star Trek character.
it's a horrible Kate Hepburn ripoff, isn't it? And why is it that
every time the celluloid portrays a powerful woman she has to be a total
fucking bitch? Did you see the STNG episodes where Deanna Troi was being
tested for a promotion? Why did they have to portray her as completely
baffled by the engineering & technical stuff? -- as well as challenged by
facing tough decisions like whether to sacrifice a few lives for the whole
crew? Where is star fleet academy to prepare me for the jobs I've been
for the past 3 years? I need it now!
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, January 19, 2009 10:26 AM
Subject: Re: INTERNATIONAL STUFF - Inauguration Countdown | Heather de
Lisle | New Gas Agreement | Gaza Ceasefire
M. K. ~ e-glob, Washington, DC
~ http://haplifnet.blogspot.com [US+EU Community]
- transatlantic daily -
. Huffpost Blog
Video: "Our inauguration" (Arianna | Huffington Post)
That's great! A new era of citizen responsibility and engagement is
required to cope with the challenges the United States of America are
facing. The world's most interactive museum, the Newseum, is
considered to be a perfect location for Huffpost and friends
throughout the globe to organize and celebrate the inauguration ball
in a few hours ahead.
I was watching MSNBC as I was waking and they were talking about this
This is apparently the hottest post inauguration ticket you can get
. Heather de Lisle
I saw her - apparently a USian by marriage - at yesterday's press talk
. Transatlantic Daily
. Honor
Order of Saxon Gratitude for Vladimir Putin
That's amazing.
. Huffpost Blog
Due to the audacity of hopelessness, maybe, it
appears that George Bush and Dick Cheney ...
I agree with you about Cheney, but I definitely got the impression that
was acting the way he probably has when his dad yelled at him for
or other. Though I haven't seen the movie about his life, that came out
this summer, I thought he probably has spent his life apologizing for
headstrong attitudes and misdeeds. And this moment was just a typical
in his 62 year old life that he is now accustomed to.
As you know I'm (personally) fond of George. Sure, that's an obvious
ambiguity, though.
When you say you are personally fond, that makes it seem that you have
him in person. Is that what you meant?
Speaking of aggression. I watched The Valley of Elah last night. Tommy
Jones was nominated for the Oscar as lead last year
It's a sad movie, and you probably won't want to see it but Jones did a
great job and deserved his nomination
. Anecdote
Another anecdote I remembered from my chess cousin. He went to Yale
George Bush. He belonged to one of the secret societies so was very
familiar with the young George. He said that George was drunk and
all times, and that his usual place on campus was on one of the stone
snoring loudly with arms splayed out widely unaware that the world was
passing him by. You could just imagine when he had to apologize to his
about his poor performance in school. His speech was just such an
I recall his dad had declared, a few days ago, that he's proud that
his son became US president.
well what dad wouldn't be
The kind that never admits it was wrong, the words of a youth who still
hasn't learned the lessons of personal accountability.
A few years ago, n Julia and I had a discussion about Rick Rockwell?
"Who Wants to Marry a Millionaire"
She said that even
though she'd adopted the satellite dish & bought the first seasons of
Trek NG& the Simpsons on dvd to start catching up what
she missed in the 80's, she still couldn't bear to watch anything with
commercials...except for some occasional visits to the cartoon channel.
However, I love commercials so I watch a LOT of TV>
She said her
channel-view menu only displays about 75 of the 200 or so channels she
get, & only about 15 of those have commercials (lifetime-for-women,
& boom, nick, sci-fi, discovery, TLC, & animal planet--though i seldom
those either)...still she ended up watching commercial-uninterupted movie
channels about 99% of the time. Me - the more commercials the better.
She was also getting
into Farscape, but I could never get addicted to it
So then I tell her that a friend was having a baby and we held a baby
for her. She asked for books rather than toys and clothes for the baby.
Julia complimented me on buying a book that has the following
subjects: mammals, insects, pirates
She complimented me on getting this book and for spreading science
to youths!!! mammals, insects & pirates,
The sales clerk who checked out my books. The idle one,
a male, started telling me how he loves this book. I no longer remember
it was called an I told him it is standard
baby shower fare. I told him I will be sure to buy it for him when he
a baby. And then he tells me that he watched this movie that starred
Angelina Jolie and Sean Connery where one of the adult characters was
and he asked his mother to read the book to him. I vaguely remember
this movie, but don't remember what it is. I looked it up and it's
By Heart
I told him perhaps he
should take a few hits of vodka and maybe that would get him crying good
and proper.
The other book I bought: When I lived in Roanoke, I learned of a famous
book called "Goodbye Moon" which is ADORABLE. I used to love looking at
even as an adult. The drawings are beautiful. The author is from
in fact.
My friend Julia even though she was from Roanoke had never heard of it.
said it sounds like a good book, and said she'd have to go get it for
Here' the revised version of it appropriate for 2009
. Slavic Hairdo
Yes, sure, as goes for contemporary Slavic women in Eastern
Europe. It was also a style in Germany probably until the
first half of the 2oth century, though.
She's retro cool then!
O yeah!
. New Agreement
Now, as Ukraine prepares to sign an accord ending an 18-day Russian
gas embargo that disrupted energy supplies in much of Europe, the
consensus here is that instead of cleaning up the gas trade,
Yushchenko's first gas deal left this former Soviet republic more
vulnerable to bullying by Russian leaders determined to thwart its
turn to the West.
German TV news confirmed the signature of that agreement this early
. Inauguration Countdown
It's gone up to 33 today but everywhere around us, it is snowing. It
as if it might snow here but if so it hasn't arrived yet. Travel for
everyone coming to the show will be difficult. So far this is the
day and it will continue to plunge even though yesterday they thought it
would go up and be a bit warmer. No luck as of today. I will continue
watch it all on tv because I can't afford to get sick this year. It's
probably the best seat in the house. I am sitting only a scant two
away. If I were in the cold, I'd be standing a mile away maybe more
of the crowds. So I am just about as close but I will see the details
well. On the mall all the details will be shown on a jumbotron, ie a
set. I have a big tv set in my house and am almost as close! And I can
drink my hot beverage here too.
That's the best option and, of course, the most comfortable one.
It's actually snowing
I live so close to Arlington Cemetery but there is no way I could ever
there today. Obama and Biden are there right now, they played taps and
Obama laid a wreath on the tomb of the unknown soldier. I would never
seen this meaningful moment if out on the Mall.
They - the both - rode in by train (seen on German tv), just as
Lincoln did.
. Recipes
They just mentioned the inauguration recipes. Very luxe. Duck and some
other exotic fowl.
Hopefully not a bad omen! Reminding that you once wrote George is a
"lame duck".
actually if symbolic, it shows that Obama will eat the duck, i e Obama
conquers, so not a bad omen
. German Energy Sources
... find a different fuel source.
There's been a press tv-talk where a number of additional
options were considered. However, a lot of political instability
is involved as far as other sources might be favored, long term.
. Withstanding
Ah, but you never know when someone may come up with a viable fuel
that does not require piping or circuitry that requires reliance on
governments and crazy short term viewed prior KGB agents. His desire is
make as much money for the present as possible. There's no thought
the future, there's no planning. None of this would be occurring had he
any desires other than short term enrichment. It was all foreseen but
My explanation doesn't make Germany any warmer unfortunately.
Apparently we are warm and save enough to withstand him et al.
What's cooking at the CIA?
the link got deleted by accident
. Specialization
I disagree that specialization makes you a more valuable employee or
resource. This apparently widely held view is incredibly damaged and in
mind suggests why the US corporate environment is in such trouble.
bailouts. Etc
"Having a law degree from Texas Tech University School of Law put Teye
Kutasi in an "in-between position".
. Ceasefire
As it was announced, a few days ago, Israel and Hamas agreed on
ceasefire in odrder not do damage Barack Obama's inauguration
celebration tomorrow.
|| Speaking on a platform in Jerusalem accompanied by a line of
Europe's leaders, Olmert said: "We are interested in quitting the Gaza
Strip at the greatest possible speed. We don't want to stay in Gaza
and we intend to leave it as quickly as possible."
He met French President Nicolas Sarkozy, German Chancellor Angela
Merkel, the British, Italian and Spanish prime ministers Gordon Brown,
Silvio Berlusconi and Jose Luis Zapatero, and Czech premier Mirek
Topolanek, representing the European Union.||
. High Security [Obama's Inauguration]
"She was a good detective, and a good woman. A good woman in a good
one might say. She loved her country, Botswana, which is a place of
and she loved Africa, for all its trials. I am not ashamed to be called
African patriot, said Mma Ramotswe"--Alexander McCall Smith, No 1 Ladies
Detective Club
2009-01-19 16:09:59 UTC
I wonder if Kate Mulgrew is conscious of the fact that she sounds and looks
like Katherine Hepburn in Star Trekt. she also played
Columbo's wife but did not have that ridiculous bun? I wonder if Sarah
Palin based her look on these two
Post by marika
I just finished watching Growing up Elephant
and now I am tackling Growing Up Lion
when I was buying the children's books, i'll bet that neither clerk could
define the
characteristics of a champ coonhound. that is likely
why they are selling books.
I really can't stand the Madeline book series for kids though.
Madeline's rebelliousness is the
reason that she pronounces her name incorrectly. somehow
the french always seem to cause one to pause. I wonder if the book cer is
likely still thinking about my question to him as to why Madeline
mispronounces her name.
My friend once said I remind me of the kid (billy
mumy) in the twilight zone episode entitled,
"pleasantville, usa. He effectively banished the
sales clerk to the corn field.
why, he said I had the makings of a twilight zone episode in
that bookstore. He said he could see the final scene: a
distraught clerk is near collapse, muttering to no one
in particular "le customer is always right..."
Post by marika
On the latest Enterprise a delcious breakfast was
fixed for the Captain and his Armory officer and they
did not eat a bite.
. I remain
afraid of going to work. FOUR DAY weekend. I had other stuff to finish
up including some reading for a report I have to do for one of the bosses
and also, mental preparation for an interviews. I've haven't written a
word yet. So, maybe I will write something tomorrow.
I keep hoping I will feel better and
it is very slow.
A friend once did participate in a March against
the proposed war in Iraq. Six thousand people were
there. Made her feel like she was doing something
worthwhile. I can't imagine how attending the inauguration festivities
would make me feel that. All I would feel is cold
okay, i can forgive Rick Roswell for not disclosing what kind of
millionaire he was. An IT millionaire. At that point all he had was
stock in a company that
he built that was probably affected by the IT bubble burstage
he must've just wanted an adoring companion, & most
anyone will stoop to buying it -- or trying to attract it with money,
prestige, whatever...
I also can't stand that Kate Mulgrew Star Trek character.
it's a horrible Kate Hepburn ripoff, isn't it? And why is it that
every time the celluloid portrays a powerful woman she has to be a total
fucking bitch? Did you see the STNG episodes where Deanna Troi was being
tested for a promotion? Why did they have to portray her as completely
baffled by the engineering & technical stuff? -- as well as challenged by
facing tough decisions like whether to sacrifice a few lives for the whole
crew? Where is star fleet academy to prepare me for the jobs I've been
for the past 3 years? I need it now!
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, January 19, 2009 10:26 AM
Subject: Re: INTERNATIONAL STUFF - Inauguration Countdown | Heather de
Lisle | New Gas Agreement | Gaza Ceasefire
M. K. ~ e-glob, Washington, DC
~ http://haplifnet.blogspot.com [US+EU Community]
- transatlantic daily -
. Huffpost Blog
Video: "Our inauguration" (Arianna | Huffington Post)
That's great! A new era of citizen responsibility and engagement is
required to cope with the challenges the United States of America are
facing. The world's most interactive museum, the Newseum, is
considered to be a perfect location for Huffpost and friends
throughout the globe to organize and celebrate the inauguration ball
in a few hours ahead.
I was watching MSNBC as I was waking and they were talking about this
This is apparently the hottest post inauguration ticket you can get
. Heather de Lisle
I saw her - apparently a USian by marriage - at yesterday's press talk
. Transatlantic Daily
. Honor
Order of Saxon Gratitude for Vladimir Putin
That's amazing.
. Huffpost Blog
Due to the audacity of hopelessness, maybe, it
appears that George Bush and Dick Cheney ...
I agree with you about Cheney, but I definitely got the impression that
was acting the way he probably has when his dad yelled at him for
or other. Though I haven't seen the movie about his life, that came out
this summer, I thought he probably has spent his life apologizing for
headstrong attitudes and misdeeds. And this moment was just a typical
in his 62 year old life that he is now accustomed to.
As you know I'm (personally) fond of George. Sure, that's an obvious
ambiguity, though.
When you say you are personally fond, that makes it seem that you have
him in person. Is that what you meant?
Speaking of aggression. I watched The Valley of Elah last night. Tommy
Jones was nominated for the Oscar as lead last year
It's a sad movie, and you probably won't want to see it but Jones did a
great job and deserved his nomination
. Anecdote
Another anecdote I remembered from my chess cousin. He went to Yale
George Bush. He belonged to one of the secret societies so was very
familiar with the young George. He said that George was drunk and
all times, and that his usual place on campus was on one of the stone
snoring loudly with arms splayed out widely unaware that the world was
passing him by. You could just imagine when he had to apologize to his
about his poor performance in school. His speech was just such an
I recall his dad had declared, a few days ago, that he's proud that
his son became US president.
well what dad wouldn't be
The kind that never admits it was wrong, the words of a youth who still
hasn't learned the lessons of personal accountability.
A few years ago, n Julia and I had a discussion about Rick Rockwell?
"Who Wants to Marry a Millionaire"
She said that even
though she'd adopted the satellite dish & bought the first seasons of
Trek NG& the Simpsons on dvd to start catching up what
she missed in the 80's, she still couldn't bear to watch anything with
commercials...except for some occasional visits to the cartoon channel.
However, I love commercials so I watch a LOT of TV>
She said her
channel-view menu only displays about 75 of the 200 or so channels she
get, & only about 15 of those have commercials (lifetime-for-women,
& boom, nick, sci-fi, discovery, TLC, & animal planet--though i seldom
those either)...still she ended up watching commercial-uninterupted movie
channels about 99% of the time. Me - the more commercials the better.
She was also getting
into Farscape, but I could never get addicted to it
So then I tell her that a friend was having a baby and we held a baby
for her. She asked for books rather than toys and clothes for the baby.
Julia complimented me on buying a book that has the following
subjects: mammals, insects, pirates
She complimented me on getting this book and for spreading science
to youths!!! mammals, insects & pirates,
The sales clerk who checked out my books. The idle one,
a male, started telling me how he loves this book. I no longer remember
it was called an I told him it is standard
baby shower fare. I told him I will be sure to buy it for him when he
a baby. And then he tells me that he watched this movie that starred
Angelina Jolie and Sean Connery where one of the adult characters was
and he asked his mother to read the book to him. I vaguely remember
this movie, but don't remember what it is. I looked it up and it's
By Heart
I told him perhaps he
should take a few hits of vodka and maybe that would get him crying good
and proper.
The other book I bought: When I lived in Roanoke, I learned of a famous
book called "Goodbye Moon" which is ADORABLE. I used to love looking
at it,
even as an adult. The drawings are beautiful. The author is from
in fact.
My friend Julia even though she was from Roanoke had never heard of it.
said it sounds like a good book, and said she'd have to go get it for
Here' the revised version of it appropriate for 2009
. Slavic Hairdo
Yes, sure, as goes for contemporary Slavic women in Eastern
Europe. It was also a style in Germany probably until the
first half of the 2oth century, though.
She's retro cool then!
O yeah!
. New Agreement
Now, as Ukraine prepares to sign an accord ending an 18-day Russian
gas embargo that disrupted energy supplies in much of Europe, the
consensus here is that instead of cleaning up the gas trade,
Yushchenko's first gas deal left this former Soviet republic more
vulnerable to bullying by Russian leaders determined to thwart its
turn to the West.
German TV news confirmed the signature of that agreement this early
. Inauguration Countdown
It's gone up to 33 today but everywhere around us, it is snowing. It
as if it might snow here but if so it hasn't arrived yet. Travel for
everyone coming to the show will be difficult. So far this is the
day and it will continue to plunge even though yesterday they thought it
would go up and be a bit warmer. No luck as of today. I will continue
watch it all on tv because I can't afford to get sick this year. It's
probably the best seat in the house. I am sitting only a scant two
away. If I were in the cold, I'd be standing a mile away maybe more
of the crowds. So I am just about as close but I will see the details
well. On the mall all the details will be shown on a jumbotron, ie a
set. I have a big tv set in my house and am almost as close! And I can
drink my hot beverage here too.
That's the best option and, of course, the most comfortable one.
It's actually snowing
I live so close to Arlington Cemetery but there is no way I could ever
there today. Obama and Biden are there right now, they played taps and
Obama laid a wreath on the tomb of the unknown soldier. I would never
seen this meaningful moment if out on the Mall.
They - the both - rode in by train (seen on German tv), just as
Lincoln did.
. Recipes
They just mentioned the inauguration recipes. Very luxe. Duck and some
other exotic fowl.
Hopefully not a bad omen! Reminding that you once wrote George is a
"lame duck".
actually if symbolic, it shows that Obama will eat the duck, i e Obama
conquers, so not a bad omen
. German Energy Sources
... find a different fuel source.
There's been a press tv-talk where a number of additional
options were considered. However, a lot of political instability
is involved as far as other sources might be favored, long term.
. Withstanding
Ah, but you never know when someone may come up with a viable fuel
that does not require piping or circuitry that requires reliance on
governments and crazy short term viewed prior KGB agents. His desire is
make as much money for the present as possible. There's no thought
the future, there's no planning. None of this would be occurring had he
any desires other than short term enrichment. It was all foreseen but
My explanation doesn't make Germany any warmer unfortunately.
Apparently we are warm and save enough to withstand him et al.
What's cooking at the CIA?
the link got deleted by accident
. Specialization
I disagree that specialization makes you a more valuable employee or
resource. This apparently widely held view is incredibly damaged and in
mind suggests why the US corporate environment is in such trouble.
bailouts. Etc
"Having a law degree from Texas Tech University School of Law put Teye
Kutasi in an "in-between position".
. Ceasefire
As it was announced, a few days ago, Israel and Hamas agreed on
ceasefire in odrder not do damage Barack Obama's inauguration
celebration tomorrow.
|| Speaking on a platform in Jerusalem accompanied by a line of
Europe's leaders, Olmert said: "We are interested in quitting the Gaza
Strip at the greatest possible speed. We don't want to stay in Gaza
and we intend to leave it as quickly as possible."
He met French President Nicolas Sarkozy, German Chancellor Angela
Merkel, the British, Italian and Spanish prime ministers Gordon Brown,
Silvio Berlusconi and Jose Luis Zapatero, and Czech premier Mirek
Topolanek, representing the European Union.||
. High Security [Obama's Inauguration]
"She was a good detective, and a good woman. A good woman in a good
one might say. She loved her country, Botswana, which is a place of
and she loved Africa, for all its trials. I am not ashamed to be called
African patriot, said Mma Ramotswe"--Alexander McCall Smith, No 1 Ladies
Detective Club
2009-01-19 16:13:13 UTC
I forgot to pay homage to Majel Barrett who died recently. She is Gene
Roddensberry's real wife and who played the voice of the computer on
the first Star Trek (as well as the nurse) and Deanna Troi's mother.

So I postulate that Deanna Troi's fear is even more
psychologically deep seated and requires some really good Freudian couch
time for her to get over her fear of technology ie in the form of her
mother's role as a computer

can you imagine being schooled and disciplined by THAT voice. Very
Post by marika
I wonder if Kate Mulgrew is conscious of the fact that she sounds and looks
like Katherine Hepburn in Star Trekt. she also played
Columbo's wife but did not have that ridiculous bun? I wonder if Sarah
Palin based her look on these two
Post by marika
I just finished watching Growing up Elephant
and now I am tackling Growing Up Lion
when I was buying the children's books, i'll bet that neither clerk
could define the
characteristics of a champ coonhound. that is likely
why they are selling books.
I really can't stand the Madeline book series for kids though.
Madeline's rebelliousness is the
reason that she pronounces her name incorrectly. somehow
the french always seem to cause one to pause. I wonder if the book cer is
likely still thinking about my question to him as to why Madeline
mispronounces her name.
My friend once said I remind me of the kid (billy
mumy) in the twilight zone episode entitled,
"pleasantville, usa. He effectively banished the
sales clerk to the corn field.
why, he said I had the makings of a twilight zone episode in
that bookstore. He said he could see the final scene: a
distraught clerk is near collapse, muttering to no one
in particular "le customer is always right..."
Post by marika
On the latest Enterprise a delcious breakfast was
fixed for the Captain and his Armory officer and they
did not eat a bite.
. I remain
afraid of going to work. FOUR DAY weekend. I had other stuff to finish
up including some reading for a report I have to do for one of the
bosses and also, mental preparation for an interviews. I've haven't
written a word yet. So, maybe I will write something tomorrow.
I keep hoping I will feel better and
it is very slow.
A friend once did participate in a March against
the proposed war in Iraq. Six thousand people were
there. Made her feel like she was doing something
worthwhile. I can't imagine how attending the inauguration festivities
would make me feel that. All I would feel is cold
okay, i can forgive Rick Roswell for not disclosing what kind of
millionaire he was. An IT millionaire. At that point all he had was
stock in a company that
he built that was probably affected by the IT bubble burstage
he must've just wanted an adoring companion, & most
anyone will stoop to buying it -- or trying to attract it with money,
prestige, whatever...
I also can't stand that Kate Mulgrew Star Trek character.
it's a horrible Kate Hepburn ripoff, isn't it? And why is it that
every time the celluloid portrays a powerful woman she has to be a total
fucking bitch? Did you see the STNG episodes where Deanna Troi was being
tested for a promotion? Why did they have to portray her as completely
baffled by the engineering & technical stuff? -- as well as challenged by
facing tough decisions like whether to sacrifice a few lives for the whole
crew? Where is star fleet academy to prepare me for the jobs I've been
for the past 3 years? I need it now!
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, January 19, 2009 10:26 AM
Subject: Re: INTERNATIONAL STUFF - Inauguration Countdown | Heather de
Lisle | New Gas Agreement | Gaza Ceasefire
M. K. ~ e-glob, Washington, DC
~ http://haplifnet.blogspot.com [US+EU Community]
- transatlantic daily -
. Huffpost Blog
Video: "Our inauguration" (Arianna | Huffington Post)
That's great! A new era of citizen responsibility and engagement is
required to cope with the challenges the United States of America are
facing. The world's most interactive museum, the Newseum, is
considered to be a perfect location for Huffpost and friends
throughout the globe to organize and celebrate the inauguration ball
in a few hours ahead.
I was watching MSNBC as I was waking and they were talking about this
This is apparently the hottest post inauguration ticket you can get
. Heather de Lisle
I saw her - apparently a USian by marriage - at yesterday's press talk
. Transatlantic Daily
. Honor
Order of Saxon Gratitude for Vladimir Putin
That's amazing.
. Huffpost Blog
Due to the audacity of hopelessness, maybe, it
appears that George Bush and Dick Cheney ...
I agree with you about Cheney, but I definitely got the impression that
was acting the way he probably has when his dad yelled at him for
or other. Though I haven't seen the movie about his life, that came out
this summer, I thought he probably has spent his life apologizing for
headstrong attitudes and misdeeds. And this moment was just a
typical day
in his 62 year old life that he is now accustomed to.
As you know I'm (personally) fond of George. Sure, that's an obvious
ambiguity, though.
When you say you are personally fond, that makes it seem that you have
him in person. Is that what you meant?
Speaking of aggression. I watched The Valley of Elah last night.
Tommy Lee
Jones was nominated for the Oscar as lead last year
It's a sad movie, and you probably won't want to see it but Jones did a
great job and deserved his nomination
. Anecdote
Another anecdote I remembered from my chess cousin. He went to Yale
George Bush. He belonged to one of the secret societies so was very
familiar with the young George. He said that George was drunk and
all times, and that his usual place on campus was on one of the stone
snoring loudly with arms splayed out widely unaware that the world was
passing him by. You could just imagine when he had to apologize to his
about his poor performance in school. His speech was just such an
I recall his dad had declared, a few days ago, that he's proud that
his son became US president.
well what dad wouldn't be
The kind that never admits it was wrong, the words of a youth who still
hasn't learned the lessons of personal accountability.
A few years ago, n Julia and I had a discussion about Rick Rockwell?
"Who Wants to Marry a Millionaire"
She said that even
though she'd adopted the satellite dish & bought the first seasons of
Trek NG& the Simpsons on dvd to start catching up what
she missed in the 80's, she still couldn't bear to watch anything with
commercials...except for some occasional visits to the cartoon channel.
However, I love commercials so I watch a LOT of TV>
She said her
channel-view menu only displays about 75 of the 200 or so channels she
get, & only about 15 of those have commercials (lifetime-for-women,
& boom, nick, sci-fi, discovery, TLC, & animal planet--though i seldom
those either)...still she ended up watching commercial-uninterupted movie
channels about 99% of the time. Me - the more commercials the better.
She was also getting
into Farscape, but I could never get addicted to it
So then I tell her that a friend was having a baby and we held a baby
for her. She asked for books rather than toys and clothes for the baby.
Julia complimented me on buying a book that has the following
subjects: mammals, insects, pirates
She complimented me on getting this book and for spreading science
to youths!!! mammals, insects & pirates,
The sales clerk who checked out my books. The idle one,
a male, started telling me how he loves this book. I no longer
remember what
it was called an I told him it is standard
baby shower fare. I told him I will be sure to buy it for him when he
a baby. And then he tells me that he watched this movie that starred
Angelina Jolie and Sean Connery where one of the adult characters was
and he asked his mother to read the book to him. I vaguely remember
this movie, but don't remember what it is. I looked it up and it's
By Heart
I told him perhaps he
should take a few hits of vodka and maybe that would get him crying good
and proper.
The other book I bought: When I lived in Roanoke, I learned of a famous
book called "Goodbye Moon" which is ADORABLE. I used to love looking
at it,
even as an adult. The drawings are beautiful. The author is from
in fact.
My friend Julia even though she was from Roanoke had never heard of
it. She
said it sounds like a good book, and said she'd have to go get it for
Here' the revised version of it appropriate for 2009
. Slavic Hairdo
Yes, sure, as goes for contemporary Slavic women in Eastern
Europe. It was also a style in Germany probably until the
first half of the 2oth century, though.
She's retro cool then!
O yeah!
. New Agreement
Now, as Ukraine prepares to sign an accord ending an 18-day Russian
gas embargo that disrupted energy supplies in much of Europe, the
consensus here is that instead of cleaning up the gas trade,
Yushchenko's first gas deal left this former Soviet republic more
vulnerable to bullying by Russian leaders determined to thwart its
turn to the West.
German TV news confirmed the signature of that agreement this early
. Inauguration Countdown
It's gone up to 33 today but everywhere around us, it is snowing. It
as if it might snow here but if so it hasn't arrived yet. Travel for
everyone coming to the show will be difficult. So far this is the
day and it will continue to plunge even though yesterday they thought it
would go up and be a bit warmer. No luck as of today. I will
continue to
watch it all on tv because I can't afford to get sick this year.
probably the best seat in the house. I am sitting only a scant two
away. If I were in the cold, I'd be standing a mile away maybe more
of the crowds. So I am just about as close but I will see the details
well. On the mall all the details will be shown on a jumbotron, ie a
set. I have a big tv set in my house and am almost as close! And I can
drink my hot beverage here too.
That's the best option and, of course, the most comfortable one.
It's actually snowing
I live so close to Arlington Cemetery but there is no way I could
ever get
there today. Obama and Biden are there right now, they played taps and
Obama laid a wreath on the tomb of the unknown soldier. I would never
seen this meaningful moment if out on the Mall.
They - the both - rode in by train (seen on German tv), just as
Lincoln did.
. Recipes
They just mentioned the inauguration recipes. Very luxe. Duck and some
other exotic fowl.
Hopefully not a bad omen! Reminding that you once wrote George is a
"lame duck".
actually if symbolic, it shows that Obama will eat the duck, i e Obama
conquers, so not a bad omen
. German Energy Sources
... find a different fuel source.
There's been a press tv-talk where a number of additional
options were considered. However, a lot of political instability
is involved as far as other sources might be favored, long term.
. Withstanding
Ah, but you never know when someone may come up with a viable fuel
that does not require piping or circuitry that requires reliance on
governments and crazy short term viewed prior KGB agents. His desire is
make as much money for the present as possible. There's no thought
the future, there's no planning. None of this would be occurring had he
any desires other than short term enrichment. It was all foreseen but
My explanation doesn't make Germany any warmer unfortunately.
Apparently we are warm and save enough to withstand him et al.
What's cooking at the CIA?
the link got deleted by accident
. Specialization
I disagree that specialization makes you a more valuable employee or
resource. This apparently widely held view is incredibly damaged and in
mind suggests why the US corporate environment is in such trouble.
bailouts. Etc
"Having a law degree from Texas Tech University School of Law put Teye
Kutasi in an "in-between position".
. Ceasefire
As it was announced, a few days ago, Israel and Hamas agreed on
ceasefire in odrder not do damage Barack Obama's inauguration
celebration tomorrow.
|| Speaking on a platform in Jerusalem accompanied by a line of
Europe's leaders, Olmert said: "We are interested in quitting the Gaza
Strip at the greatest possible speed. We don't want to stay in Gaza
and we intend to leave it as quickly as possible."
He met French President Nicolas Sarkozy, German Chancellor Angela
Merkel, the British, Italian and Spanish prime ministers Gordon Brown,
Silvio Berlusconi and Jose Luis Zapatero, and Czech premier Mirek
Topolanek, representing the European Union.||
. High Security [Obama's Inauguration]
"She was a good detective, and a good woman. A good woman in a good
one might say. She loved her country, Botswana, which is a place of
and she loved Africa, for all its trials. I am not ashamed to be
called an
African patriot, said Mma Ramotswe"--Alexander McCall Smith, No 1 Ladies
Detective Club
2009-01-19 18:05:10 UTC
they can insist whatever they want...But I really enjoyed Galaxy Quest. It's
a great spoof of not just star trek but of startrek cons

I don't think you were supposed to know Enrico Colantoni is in it. Because
makeup and
speech pattern I just couldn't place him.
If the guy with the alien skullcap isn't supposed to be Spock well then too
and if the guy in the engine room isn't Scotty., well there you are
and if Berylium spheres don't sounds like dilythium crystals then pardon me
Post by marika
I forgot to pay homage to Majel Barrett who died recently. She is Gene
Roddensberry's real wife and who played the voice of the computer on
the first Star Trek (as well as the nurse) and Deanna Troi's mother.
So I postulate that Deanna Troi's fear is even more
psychologically deep seated and requires some really good Freudian couch
time for her to get over her fear of technology ie in the form of her
mother's role as a computer
can you imagine being schooled and disciplined by THAT voice. Very
Post by marika
I wonder if Kate Mulgrew is conscious of the fact that she sounds and
looks like Katherine Hepburn in Star Trekt. she also played
Columbo's wife but did not have that ridiculous bun? I wonder if Sarah
Palin based her look on these two
Post by marika
I just finished watching Growing up Elephant
and now I am tackling Growing Up Lion
when I was buying the children's books, i'll bet that neither clerk
could define the
characteristics of a champ coonhound. that is likely
why they are selling books.
I really can't stand the Madeline book series for kids though.
Madeline's rebelliousness is the
reason that she pronounces her name incorrectly. somehow
the french always seem to cause one to pause. I wonder if the book cer
likely still thinking about my question to him as to why Madeline
mispronounces her name.
My friend once said I remind me of the kid (billy
mumy) in the twilight zone episode entitled,
"pleasantville, usa. He effectively banished the
sales clerk to the corn field.
why, he said I had the makings of a twilight zone episode in
that bookstore. He said he could see the final scene: a
distraught clerk is near collapse, muttering to no one
in particular "le customer is always right..."
Post by marika
On the latest Enterprise a delcious breakfast was
fixed for the Captain and his Armory officer and they
did not eat a bite.
. I remain
afraid of going to work. FOUR DAY weekend. I had other stuff to
up including some reading for a report I have to do for one of the
bosses and also, mental preparation for an interviews. I've haven't
written a word yet. So, maybe I will write something tomorrow.
I keep hoping I will feel better and
it is very slow.
A friend once did participate in a March against
the proposed war in Iraq. Six thousand people were
there. Made her feel like she was doing something
worthwhile. I can't imagine how attending the inauguration festivities
would make me feel that. All I would feel is cold
okay, i can forgive Rick Roswell for not disclosing what kind of
millionaire he was. An IT millionaire. At that point all he had was
stock in a company that
he built that was probably affected by the IT bubble burstage
he must've just wanted an adoring companion, & most
anyone will stoop to buying it -- or trying to attract it with money,
prestige, whatever...
I also can't stand that Kate Mulgrew Star Trek character.
it's a horrible Kate Hepburn ripoff, isn't it? And why is it that
every time the celluloid portrays a powerful woman she has to be a
fucking bitch? Did you see the STNG episodes where Deanna Troi was
tested for a promotion? Why did they have to portray her as completely
baffled by the engineering & technical stuff? -- as well as challenged
facing tough decisions like whether to sacrifice a few lives for the
crew? Where is star fleet academy to prepare me for the jobs I've been
for the past 3 years? I need it now!
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, January 19, 2009 10:26 AM
Subject: Re: INTERNATIONAL STUFF - Inauguration Countdown | Heather de
Lisle | New Gas Agreement | Gaza Ceasefire
M. K. ~ e-glob, Washington, DC
~ http://haplifnet.blogspot.com [US+EU Community]
- transatlantic daily -
. Huffpost Blog
Video: "Our inauguration" (Arianna | Huffington Post)
That's great! A new era of citizen responsibility and engagement is
required to cope with the challenges the United States of America are
facing. The world's most interactive museum, the Newseum, is
considered to be a perfect location for Huffpost and friends
throughout the globe to organize and celebrate the inauguration ball
in a few hours ahead.
I was watching MSNBC as I was waking and they were talking about this
This is apparently the hottest post inauguration ticket you can get
. Heather de Lisle
I saw her - apparently a USian by marriage - at yesterday's press
. Transatlantic Daily
. Honor
Order of Saxon Gratitude for Vladimir Putin
That's amazing.
. Huffpost Blog
Due to the audacity of hopelessness, maybe, it
appears that George Bush and Dick Cheney ...
I agree with you about Cheney, but I definitely got the impression
was acting the way he probably has when his dad yelled at him for
or other. Though I haven't seen the movie about his life, that came
this summer, I thought he probably has spent his life apologizing
for his
headstrong attitudes and misdeeds. And this moment was just a
typical day
in his 62 year old life that he is now accustomed to.
As you know I'm (personally) fond of George. Sure, that's an obvious
ambiguity, though.
When you say you are personally fond, that makes it seem that you
have met
him in person. Is that what you meant?
Speaking of aggression. I watched The Valley of Elah last night.
Tommy Lee
Jones was nominated for the Oscar as lead last year
It's a sad movie, and you probably won't want to see it but Jones did
great job and deserved his nomination
. Anecdote
Another anecdote I remembered from my chess cousin. He went to Yale
George Bush. He belonged to one of the secret societies so was very
familiar with the young George. He said that George was drunk and
all times, and that his usual place on campus was on one of the
snoring loudly with arms splayed out widely unaware that the world
passing him by. You could just imagine when he had to apologize to
about his poor performance in school. His speech was just such an
I recall his dad had declared, a few days ago, that he's proud that
his son became US president.
well what dad wouldn't be
The kind that never admits it was wrong, the words of a youth who
hasn't learned the lessons of personal accountability.
A few years ago, n Julia and I had a discussion about Rick Rockwell?
"Who Wants to Marry a Millionaire"
She said that even
though she'd adopted the satellite dish & bought the first seasons of
Trek NG& the Simpsons on dvd to start catching up what
she missed in the 80's, she still couldn't bear to watch anything
commercials...except for some occasional visits to the cartoon
However, I love commercials so I watch a LOT of TV>
She said her
channel-view menu only displays about 75 of the 200 or so channels
she can
get, & only about 15 of those have commercials (lifetime-for-women,
& boom, nick, sci-fi, discovery, TLC, & animal planet--though i
seldom watch
those either)...still she ended up watching commercial-uninterupted
channels about 99% of the time. Me - the more commercials the
She was also getting
into Farscape, but I could never get addicted to it
So then I tell her that a friend was having a baby and we held a baby
for her. She asked for books rather than toys and clothes for the
Julia complimented me on buying a book that has the following
subjects: mammals, insects, pirates
She complimented me on getting this book and for spreading science
to youths!!! mammals, insects & pirates,
The sales clerk who checked out my books. The idle one,
a male, started telling me how he loves this book. I no longer
remember what
it was called an I told him it is standard
baby shower fare. I told him I will be sure to buy it for him when
he has
a baby. And then he tells me that he watched this movie that starred
Angelina Jolie and Sean Connery where one of the adult characters was
and he asked his mother to read the book to him. I vaguely remember
this movie, but don't remember what it is. I looked it up and it's
By Heart
I told him perhaps he
should take a few hits of vodka and maybe that would get him crying
and proper.
The other book I bought: When I lived in Roanoke, I learned of a
book called "Goodbye Moon" which is ADORABLE. I used to love looking
at it,
even as an adult. The drawings are beautiful. The author is from
in fact.
My friend Julia even though she was from Roanoke had never heard of
it. She
said it sounds like a good book, and said she'd have to go get it
Here' the revised version of it appropriate for 2009
. Slavic Hairdo
Yes, sure, as goes for contemporary Slavic women in Eastern
Europe. It was also a style in Germany probably until the
first half of the 2oth century, though.
She's retro cool then!
O yeah!
. New Agreement
Now, as Ukraine prepares to sign an accord ending an 18-day Russian
gas embargo that disrupted energy supplies in much of Europe, the
consensus here is that instead of cleaning up the gas trade,
Yushchenko's first gas deal left this former Soviet republic more
vulnerable to bullying by Russian leaders determined to thwart its
turn to the West.
German TV news confirmed the signature of that agreement this early
. Inauguration Countdown
It's gone up to 33 today but everywhere around us, it is snowing. It
as if it might snow here but if so it hasn't arrived yet. Travel
everyone coming to the show will be difficult. So far this is the
day and it will continue to plunge even though yesterday they
thought it
would go up and be a bit warmer. No luck as of today. I will
continue to
watch it all on tv because I can't afford to get sick this year.
probably the best seat in the house. I am sitting only a scant two
away. If I were in the cold, I'd be standing a mile away maybe more
of the crowds. So I am just about as close but I will see the
well. On the mall all the details will be shown on a jumbotron, ie
a big
set. I have a big tv set in my house and am almost as close! And I
drink my hot beverage here too.
That's the best option and, of course, the most comfortable one.
It's actually snowing
I live so close to Arlington Cemetery but there is no way I could
ever get
there today. Obama and Biden are there right now, they played taps
Obama laid a wreath on the tomb of the unknown soldier. I would
seen this meaningful moment if out on the Mall.
They - the both - rode in by train (seen on German tv), just as
Lincoln did.
. Recipes
They just mentioned the inauguration recipes. Very luxe. Duck and
other exotic fowl.
Hopefully not a bad omen! Reminding that you once wrote George is a
"lame duck".
actually if symbolic, it shows that Obama will eat the duck, i e
conquers, so not a bad omen
. German Energy Sources
... find a different fuel source.
There's been a press tv-talk where a number of additional
options were considered. However, a lot of political instability
is involved as far as other sources might be favored, long term.
. Withstanding
Ah, but you never know when someone may come up with a viable fuel
that does not require piping or circuitry that requires reliance on
governments and crazy short term viewed prior KGB agents. His
desire is
make as much money for the present as possible. There's no thought
the future, there's no planning. None of this would be occurring
had he
any desires other than short term enrichment. It was all foreseen
but for
My explanation doesn't make Germany any warmer unfortunately.
Apparently we are warm and save enough to withstand him et al.
What's cooking at the CIA?
the link got deleted by accident
. Specialization
I disagree that specialization makes you a more valuable employee or
resource. This apparently widely held view is incredibly damaged
and in
mind suggests why the US corporate environment is in such trouble.
bailouts. Etc
"Having a law degree from Texas Tech University School of Law put
Kutasi in an "in-between position".
. Ceasefire
As it was announced, a few days ago, Israel and Hamas agreed on
ceasefire in odrder not do damage Barack Obama's inauguration
celebration tomorrow.
|| Speaking on a platform in Jerusalem accompanied by a line of
Europe's leaders, Olmert said: "We are interested in quitting the
Strip at the greatest possible speed. We don't want to stay in Gaza
and we intend to leave it as quickly as possible."
He met French President Nicolas Sarkozy, German Chancellor Angela
Merkel, the British, Italian and Spanish prime ministers Gordon
Silvio Berlusconi and Jose Luis Zapatero, and Czech premier Mirek
Topolanek, representing the European Union.||
. High Security [Obama's Inauguration]
"She was a good detective, and a good woman. A good woman in a good
one might say. She loved her country, Botswana, which is a place of
and she loved Africa, for all its trials. I am not ashamed to be
called an
African patriot, said Mma Ramotswe"--Alexander McCall Smith, No 1
Detective Club